Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Inspirational: Compare

Few us are often used to compare  ourselves with others
This is how I learned not to compare myself with others.

Growing up I often compare myself to others. Whenever if someone was better then me at something I like , I compare myself to them and try to do better then them. I still do it sometimes.. but what I realised is that when I compare myself to others to do better then them . I am constantly failing and whenever I fail I get sad, hurt and disappointed with myself. I often look in the mirror and ask myself..why? Why cant I be like her? Why is she more better then me? I work so hard but I still can't overcome her. Its not that I compare myself just with talent... I also compare myself with many other stuff ... like body size , get everything they want and many other stuff but one thing its beauty
I don't compare about that idk why I just think ah she very pretty I wish I was as pretty but I just say it for fun , I don't really mean it. Anyway after keep on being disappointed in myself for so many times... I taught for a about it for a while like... why am I comparing myself and putting myself to disappointment .. everyone different... if she is good at something that I cant do chances are I probably can do what she can't... is it necessary for me to go through all this disappointments to be like someone else when I can be my own unique person...isn't it better to succeed in something that is meant for me other then trying to do something that is meant for someone else..I am not her  clone to compare myself to her...I am my own person..why not use the same strength and energy I put in trying to be like her to become my own person. She maybe better than me it is okay that her talent... I will one day find my own talent...she maybe thin Gets everything she wants but that's probably because deserves it and probably it is not meant for me maybe like god wants me to get something better. who cares about being thin its good to be healthy and exercise and embrace my body shape then starve myself.. I am perfect the way I am.
So I keep talking to myself like this..( I know weird right, don't judge) and try my best to be happy the way I am and not to compare myself and be happy with what I got... and always stay positive and let me tell that the best decision I made in a while ...what I also realised is that when I don't compare myself with other.. I am actually happy and not disappointed , I also realised that when I am happy with what I just have.. god grants/bless me with stuff that I never even dreamed of this has happened to be so many times...like this one time where my friend got a new phone and after a few days hmm we were having a hangout with Another friend and like that friends phone is the latest model and is quite a big phone ...so my friend made fun of my phone ..she was like out of all the phones yogitha's phone is the smallest and tried to make me feel bad and she kept showing off .. ofcourse it made me feel bad but I was still very happy with what I got ...and then few months later my friend the one who showed of with her phone was like begging her father to get a new one...I was still very happy with what I got...but then suddenly one day my dad was like yogitha I will buy you a new phone... I was like for real dad? He was like yeah tell me what you want..I was shocked and so we went to buy a phone that I saw long ago online but I was like no chance my dad is going to buy me that phone and turns out my dad brought me that phone but like the latest version and you should have seen the look of my friends face ...she was so jealous... its like few months ago she made fun of my phone and showing of her big phone and now I own a phone bigger then her and I still do ...I know it maybe not that big thing to share and abit silly but see even when I got made fun of I still was not comaparing myself and was happy with what I got and god bless me with something that I can never dream of owning it maybe something so little but those little things have made me to stop comparing myself and being happy...its not just like one or two times it was many times..it also happened with studies and many other things...and at those times I have realised that I will get what I deserve. And shouldn't compare myself with others. Ofcourse its natural for us to compare ourselves with others...it just happens before we realise it but its okay. Try to not compare yourself with others and trust me your life will be much easier and happier.

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